Eco Architecture: Plantagon designs urban greenhouse within a geodesic dome

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Eco Factor: Urban greenhouse aims to bring food production to cities.

Presently most of the food that is consumed by the world is grown in villages. Research predicts that by the year 2050, over 80% of the population of the world will start living in cities, abandoning their country side abodes and farms. Since more people will come to cities, farms too would have to change their location. However, our cities are already overcrowded with sky kissing buildings, which leaves no open spaces for farmers to cultivate food. A Swedish-American company, Plantagon, has tried to bring farms to the urbanities of today, by building large geodesic domes with a spiral-shaped ramp inside.

The vertical farm uses the spiral ramp as plant beds, and will transform the way organic fruits and veggies are produced today. The farms will be able to deliver good directly to the consumers, which will eliminate the need of expensive transportation that also adds harmful gases to the atmosphere. The company hopes that it will have its first vertical farm up and running within three years.

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Via: Inhabitat/PSFK

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