Eco Architecture: Alpine hut is green and perfect!

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Eco Factor: A mountaineer’s hut in the heart of the Swiss Alps that stuns you with its visual grandeur and captures your attention with its 90% self-sufficient design.

It is hard enough to build something on the slopes of the Alps. If you thought that dealing with the Alps was as pleasant and lovely as it looks in a postcard, then just try asking Lance Armstrong about it. In the beautiful yet hostile environment of the Alps, the Mote Rosa Alpine Hut stands as a beacon of green architecture. This all white, space-age structure looks more like a perfect summer retreat for James Bond. I can bet anything that even Her Majesty’s best secret agent, would be floored by its green features.

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Designed by the Department of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Technical University in Zurich (ETH), the Hut stands 2,810 meters above sea level and provides a perfect shelter for 125 guests at a time. The design ensures that this pristine white dome is 90% self-sufficient in its energy needs as it taps into solar energy for most of its power. While the team of designers is still studying how to use human waste to create bio-fuel, the structure already has gone about, setting new standards for green architecture. Green, Energy efficient, camouflaged and set in the backdrop of the towering Alps- Picture Perfect, is all we can say!
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The Dark Side:

Nothing here except the fact that we hope that trekkers who will be using the hut will respect the surroundings around them and not leave behind plastic and other rubbish on the mountain sides.
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Via: Inhabitat

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