Eco Architecture: KCAP and JHK Architects to build sustainable P&R facility in Utrecht

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Eco Factor: Energy-saving park and ride facility in Utrecht.

KCAP Architects and Planners together with JHK Architecten have won the competition to design a P&R facility in Utrecht. The project has been commissioned by the Municipality of Utrecht and will be realized in two phases, each requiring the construction of a 31,000-square-meter building with 1000 parking spaces.

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The first phase of the project is expected to be delivered by 2011, while the second phase will be built between 2012 and 2015. The facility will be located along highway A2 Utrecht-Amsterdam between Papendorp office park and the Hooggelegen intersection.

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The heart of the sustainable facilities reveals open spaces that are filled with trees. The open space will also allow natural light and ventilation, reducing the overall energy expenditure and the carbon footprint of the facility.

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Via: E-Architect

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