Eco Architecture: China Science and Technology Museum goes bigger, better and greener

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Eco Factor: New premises of China Science and Technology Museum to generate renewable energy using on-site generators.

After serving more than 20 million tourists with the rich scientific heritage of China, the old China Science and Technology Museum closed its doors and was repositioned in a much bigger and greener facility in Beijing.

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The new premises inside the Beijing Olympic Park encompass 102,000 square meters, which is a sizable upgrade from the old museum’s 65,000 square meters. The new museum is the biggest one of its kind in the world and can accommodate up to 40,000 visitors at one time.

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With a white wave-patterned metal plate façade, the new building will create unique three-dimensional pictures cast by ever-changing shadows from the wave-patterned plates.

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The new premises will house an energy-efficient ventilation system that combines standard air-conditioning with natural ventilation that lowers the amount of energy needed to regulate the temperature of the interiors. The facility is also equipped with a rainwater collection system that collects precipitation falling on museum’s 40,000-square-meter roof. With solar and wind energy systems installed on-site the new museum lowers its dependence on grid electricity as well.

Via: Alibaba/CCTV

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