Eco Architecture: BIG Architects designs self-sufficient residential development for Zira Island

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Eco Factor: 100% self-dependent resort and residential development by BIG Architects.

Danish architecture firm BIG Architects along with Ramboll Engineers has developed the master plan for a completely self-sufficient and self-dependent resort and residential complex on Zira Island in the Caspian Sea. The 1,000,000 square-meter master plan will include seven residential developments, which would resemble the shapes of the famous mountains in Azerbaijan.

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Keeping sustainability in mind, BIG Architects has designed the development in a way that creates an autonomous ecosystem where the flow of air, water and energy is controlled in natural ways. The buildings are heated and cooled by heat pumps connected to the Caspian Sea. Residents get solar-heated water and photovoltaic modules are integrated on rooftops. Apart from photovoltaic modules, the development gets enough energy from an offshore wind farm to keep a steady supply of electricity.

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For water, the development relies on storm, rain and waste water harvesting systems. Waste water is recycled to make it fit for landscaping and fertilizing the island. Working simultaneously, the systems keep the development self-dependent and CO2 neutral.

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The Dark Side:

The master plan seems fantastic because of its carbon neutrality. However, without any backup system for energy the designers seem too dependent on the climatic conditions of Zira Island.

Via: Dezeen/ArchDaily

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