Eco Architecture: Artistic mind from London creates office spaces from old subway cars

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Eco Factor: Old subway cars recycled into sustainable studios.

To solve the expensive office space problem of artists in London, furniture designer, Auro Foxcroft, came up with an ingenious solution. He took old subway cars, removed all the seating and retrofitted the subway cars to create a sustainable working space that can be rented for as low as £15 for an entire week.

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Foxcroft purchased four old cars for £800, added some solar panels to all the four cars for renewable electricity, removed the old seats and added new furniture to the cars without making any other changes in the structure of the cars. These cars were then moved to the top of an old brick warehouse in London. Foxcroft is now planning to expand the concept which he calls “Village Underground” to Berlin, Lisbon and Toronto.

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The Dark Side:

Auro Foxcroft has done a fantastic job in reusing old subway cars in the most efficient way. His efforts are praiseworthy and we don’t think he has left anything which could be criticized.

Via: Inhabitat/CBCNews

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