Eco Architecture: Aged house in California gets a modern, green treatment


Eco Factor: Old house renovated into a green modern dwelling.

Jeremy Levine Design has in-depth knowledge of green design and they have used their brains to their full potential in renovating a traditional 1100 square-feet home in California to a 1500 sq-ft house with all modern and sustainable practices put in place. The additional space doesn’t come at the cost of trees, but instead makes trees a part of the house, thereby increasing space and making the inhabitants feel close to nature.

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To increase available space, the architect team removed all unwanted closets and hiding storage under the floor using concealed trap doors, which rise easily with pneumatic arms made to lift car hoods. The innovative eco-friendly features encompass a variety of recycling, reducing and reusing strategies. Electricity to run the house is generated with photovoltaic panels and a thermal rock wall captures day heat and keeps the interiors warm long after sunset. Rainwater and gray-water is recycled for flushing and other non-potable uses.

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The Dark Side:

With just one thermal rock wall and lots of open spaces, the house will need extra energy for heating during winter, something which the PV modules being used won’t be able to provide.

Via: Trendir

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