Eco Adventures: Intrepid sailor plans to circumnavigate the globe on solar power


Eco Factor: Sailor plans to go around the globe on solar power to raise awareness about environmental issues.

We’ve seen sailors planning to go around the globe in different kinds of boats, which in some way or the other try to create awareness about the increasing environmental issues among masses. Here is another fearless sailor that is trying to prove the potential of solar energy and raise awareness about the environment by circumnavigating the globe on a solar-powered boat.

Anthony Howarth, backed by Peoples Projects Foundation will start building a 60-foot solar-powered boat that will have no internal combustion engines, no sails, no wind generators and no fuel of any kind onboard. Howarth’s Circumnavigator would feature solar cells with 30% efficiency that self-orient towards the sun for more efficiency.

The energy harnessed by the solar panels will be used to power a DC motor driving six fixed-speed propellers that will be activated in pairs as needed. To add more green to the adventure, the boat will be built from renewable plywood, which might seem as a traditional material but actually offers strength comparable to a wide range of non-renewable materials used for building boats. Unfortunately the sailor hasn’t revealed any renderings of the boat till now, but we’ll make sure to keep you posted on that.

Via: Wired

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