EasyJet EcoJet: An ecofriendly aircraft to reduce CO2 emissions by 50%

easyjet ecojet

Increasingly the airline companies have become the targets of vicious censure by the ever-growing lobby of environmental activists. Clamor has grown demanding that they accept their responsibility and draw a chart for the plan of action that they wish to adopt.

EasyJet has become the first airline to officially announce its plans to cut on the carbon emissions. Its next generation of aircrafts expects to cut CO2 emissions by about %50. The airline, however, is not expected to reach the skies anytime before 2015.

EasyJet stated that the company was in talks with Boeing, Airbus and Rolls-Royce about the need for a green aircraft. The company showed off the first designs of the aircraft telling how it may look like. According to the designers the EasyJet EcoJet would be 25% quieter and would emit 50% less CO2 and 75% less NOx than today’s newest aircrafts.

The aircraft should reach the skies in another seven years and to match the deadline research by airframe and engine manufacturers is being carried out. The projection for the 50% CO2 reduction is based on the findings from the latest research by the industry leaders and will come from the engines, the lightweight airframe and from the improvements to ATC.

Via: EasyJet

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