Earth needs you…it’s payback time!

ducttape methods

We have been deteriorating Earth for centuries and it has quietly taken care of all of us. However, it’s time to hear the buried screams of the planet and heal the wounds before it’s too late.

All those who agree with this, might think that we’ve started late, but, to be frank, keeping in mind that ‘no one can go back and make a brand new start, but, anyone can start new from now and make a brand new end’, it doesn’t seem that late either.

Yes, open your eyes and you’ll find that the trend is already catching fast. All the major pollution-causing industries like automobile, electronics, power have started to think out of the box for measures that can replace the lost glory of our planet.

Some things can be saved by pushing forward our technologies to the point where they don’t only stop causing harm to the planet but also does something for its betterment.

Popsci has ‘Five duct tape methods to save Earth’. However, mostly all the things mentioned seem to be from an upcoming sci-fi movie, yet, this shows us the present condition of Earth. These measures include the following:

Re-Ice the Arctic

Tame Storms with Cold Water

Grow Super-Trees in Factories

Build Wetlands from Scratch

Insulate the Glaciers

Until now, we used to do this on paper, but doing it in reality needs some serious government involvement…or should I say, it’s a thing next to impossible!

Click here to check out the full article.

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