Design form of a piezoelectric powered sports complex influenced by the ripple effect of water

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Deciding to take architecture to a nigh new level of organic form, India-based design firm Studio Symbiosis is all set to start construction on their ardently ambitious yet exceptionally exquisite Athletic Ripples project. Marked as a mega sports complex, the whole design consisting of distinct spatial elements was supposedly inspired by ripples of water created by pebbles.

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In sync with the natural landscape, the expansive conception will coalesce with the surrounding in form of smooth, curvilinear outer edges. While the intricately zoned interior will incorporate distinct spaces (like stadiums for many different sports) connected by a myriad of accessible features. Even the sense of continuity will rather be accentuated by a single silhouette.

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Among such zonings, a central pedestrian zone will form the main collective area of the whole complex. This main space will have a dual spatial function of firstly limiting potential vehicular congestion (thus retarding pollution and emissions) and secondly of establishing a closer naturalistic relationship between the visitor and nature.

At last coming to the sustainable features, the roofs of the stadiums will be composed of a mix of solar and pneumatic panels, taking advantage of the strong sunlight in order to generate clean power and also regulate the required light intensity inside the spaces. And in a rather novel turn of events, the design is also touted to utilize piezoelectricity, to harvest the kinetic energy resulting from the movement of multitude of spectators.

Source: WorldArchitectureNews

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