Daniel Libeskind’s ‘Reflections’ promises to green Singapore’s waterfront

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Eco Factor: Sustainable development with lush green terraces.

Daniel Libeskind Studio has completed the first tower of the “Reflections” development that is being constructed on Singapore’s waterfront. The development, according to the designers, will redefine Singapore’s southern coast. The development is composed of six glass towers and 11 villa apartment blocks that feature 1129 luxury waterfront apartments along a 750-meter shoreline.

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The waterfront development is ecologically responsible and has achieved the Green Mark Gold Award by the Building and construction authority. The towers are crowned by lush green sky gardens on the sloping rooflines and are linked by sky bridges, providing pockets of open spaces and platforms with 360-degree views of the spectacular surrounds.

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The demand for “Reflections” has been high as about 96 percent of the 740 launched units have already been sold. The project is expected to be completed by 2011.

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Via: Designboom

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