Cubolar House harvests renewable energy for off-grid living

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Eco Factor: Sustainable house powered by renewable solar energy.

The Cubolar House by industrial designer Edward Castro is a futuristic house conceptualized for the world of 2050. The sustainable house borrows characteristics of traditional homes and mixes them with a modular design approach. The house has been designed to conserve energy, water and other mineral inputs through its lifecycle.

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The house is to be constructed in the wild with locally sourced materials. Moreover, solar panels have been included on the roof to generate all the energy that the house needs. The house gives the impression of being more like a terrace house rather than a normal dwelling within a consolidated development.

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Apart from energy, the Cubolar House includes a rainwater collection system that stores rainwater in a cistern below the deck. This water is later used as toilet water or for landscaping the area.

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Thanks: [Edward Castro]

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