Crafting a cozy green designer studio with Cartons!

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This creation reminds me more of the museum I used to frequently visit when I was young. The pre-historic section used to be exactly like the walls of this designer space. They were crafted like that to give the whole section of the museum a pre-historic, Stone Age look. The entire room reminds me exactly of the same. It has a wonderful and classy look to it despite being made out of cartons. The studio was crafted by making sure there was enough space for the newly crafted walls. This is the point where craft meets aesthetics and this is what comes out when creativity is presented with a challenge that is good enough to stimulate the senses.

Yeshop in House is the result of the collaboration between the Greek architectural office dARCH Studio and the fashion designer, Yiorgos Eleftheriades. It is located on the first floor of a two-storey building at the center of Psirri – Athens, where the fashion designer works and exhibits his work. The work put in to this project is both amazing and stunning to say the least. Existing furniture were rearranged in order to bring into forth the two, new, constructions that were handmade, using eco -friendly corrugated packaging carton. The material might not be something to rave about but the craftiness that is shining through this work and the dexterity with which it is presented is quite stunning, to say the least.
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The house is an example of how one can take the most useless stuff (or that is what we assume) and convert it in to so appealing and special that you can capture the attention of the world with it. The wonderful fact is that this one studio is a piece that can be and should be studied by students of art, science, architecture, ecology and even engineering. Amazing how the walls that are most often so distinct between these different fields can suddenly melt down and blur away to amalgamate and create stunning visual magic. More power to recycling indeed!
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