Cool Homes: A green house with amazing passive solar technology

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Green homes are becoming more and more popular with each passing day. Green homes are not only cool in the aspect of being eco-friendly, but also cool with the amazing scope of improvisation they have in regards to their design. The green structures present a wonderful opportunity for both the designers and the consumers to make sure that they get optimum green features out of the available limited space. Passive Homes is one such venture that allows the designers to make sure that the sun and the green go hand in hand.

Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture will be showing off their set of passive solar houses at the Hem & Villa housing fair in Malmö, Sweden this summer. The passive solar concept is simple. It has structures with massive walls that store the heat of the sun which keeps the house warm, as well as using smartly placed windows to directly warm the house during the day. These strategies tend to work well in dry climates with large day/night temperature swings. The technology was used by Native Americans centuries ago and it still works well even today.
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The architects call their designs Passive Houses. Pictured is Villa Atrium, a donut-shaped building with a tree growing in the central courtyard. The ideal climates for these designs are not specified. What is remarkable about these is that not only do they use an ancient concept to create energy efficiency; they do it while creating modern, playful houses. The houses are splendid not just in terms of eco standard, but also the fact that they go easy on the eyes. Passive Home is an integration of the ancient and the modern.

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