Cobra energy eyes $1 billion solar power plant for Australia

solar power plant

Eco Factor: Massive solar power plant designed to generate 250MW of energy.

Cobra Energy has unveiled plans to develop a massive $1 billion solar power plant in Australia that will be able to generate up to 250MW of renewable electric power. The power plant will also be one of the biggest solar developments on the planet.

The development will make use of both photovoltaic and solar thermal technology to generate electrical power. What sets the power plant apart from the rest is its ability to store excess energy in molten salts that can be used to heat water to power the turbine even after the sun goes down.

The plant isn’t a done deal as yet as the company is deciding between a number of sites in Australia. However, the company has applied for funds under the government’s $1.5 billion solar flagships program. If developed, the plant will be able to provide over half of the country’s goal of 400MW of solar power.

Via: Inhabitat

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