Coal-to-Liquids Coalition to promote coal-to-liquids transportation fuel-production

launches on capitol hill 9For promoting the production of coal-to-liquids transportation fuels, a group of mining, railroad, energy and labor organizations has formed the Coal-to-Liquids Coalition. Last week, a dozen of Congress members joined the founders at a Capitol Hill press conference. They were there for endorsing the coal-to-liquid (CTL) fuels’ ability to –

Provide fuels for motor vehicles,
Provide fuels for commercial aviation and
To meet the fuel needs of US military forces.

To recognize the volatility of global energy prices, incentives are needed by the federal groups, according to the coalition members. Such initiatives will also encourage more robust investment in a domestic CTL industry.

Coal liquefaction fuel has the capability to strengthen national security. It can also help satisfy demands for reduced emissions and cleaner air.

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