City Swing Hybrid Motorbike: The Future of Cabs

city swing

With the rise in population, there rises the demand for transportation. That directly leads to traffic congestion, coupled with pollution. We all know it and we have started accepting it as an irreversible, unavoidable sad reality. Not Gert-Jan van Breugel. He actually went ahead and invented an alternative means of transport which is not only fast and flexible but a lot easier on the environment too.

The City Swing, as it has been christened, is a hybrid motorbike cab. Three people can fit into it comfortably. Being 65% smaller than a cab, it saves valuable traffic space. As it makes use of bus-only lanes, it is considerably faster than other means of transport. What’s more, it offers multiple passenger/luggage configurations.

hybrid bike
That’s it for user convenience. What is most important is that, running on bio-fuel, it doesn’t add to the environmental pollution. We all know how vital that is.

Let’s hope the City Swing swings the traffic-choked cities back to green.

Via: Core77

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