Recycled Plastic Chandelier by Stuart Haygarth

stuart haygarth platic bottle chandelier

Have you ever wondered what happens to the plastic bottles after you sipped their contents and thrown them away? They lie around, choking the environment of course, to put it very simply.

In an age where saving the environment is a hot topic of discussion and effort, Stuart Haygarth, a Berlin-based lighting designer, targeted one of the apparently trivial item that causes great damage to the environment – Plastic Bottles.

He not only tries to prevent the bottles from clogging the landfills, he makes an honest endeavor to transform them into useful products, like chandeliers.

During the four days of Design Miami visitors were asked to leave their used plastic water bottles with the designers who, then, cut, stuck and designed the chandelier you can see in the picture above. To be very honest, it is probably not breathtakingly beautiful, but he designer deserves kudos for the effort.

Via: Dwell

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