‘Castle in the Sky’ tower creates rain from vaporized water

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Eco Factor: Sustainable tower designed featuring public garden and a sky deck.

The Castle in the Sky is a concept tower proposal by Paris-based Atelier Ramdam Architects to be constructed in Latina, Italy. The slender architecture has been designed to create rain from vaporized water.

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The infiltration system constitutes the water tower’s semi-buried base. Access to the reservoir opens up the first walkway from the street to the underground, which also includes a pond. The tower is clad in highly reflective stainless steel which makes the foot of the reservoir appear as if it’s not there.

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Vaporization occurs on the rooftop of the tower, where visitors also discover a terrace for festivities with the spirit of a dance hall. A ramp has been designed which makes its way around the reservoir. This is the place where precipitation and hence rain occurs.

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Via: GreenMuze/Designboom

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