Carbon Footprint Monitor notifies about your carbon contribution

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And you thought that only the manufacturing units and automobiles are the culprits in increasing the CO2 levels. Engrossed in our daily mundane household chores, most of us are totally ignorant about the carbon footprints that we are leaving behind. And to keep a check on our contribution, David Tonkinson has come up with a nifty and elfin gadget that intends to police your carbon foot prints. Devised to measures the carbon footprint of a household in terms of electricity usage, the Carbon Footprint Monitor enables users to keep a track of their emissions on a daily basis, encouraging efficient energy usage. Device wirelessly communicates with a household’s electric meter using the information to determine the amount of CO2 produced. The information is then clearly displayed to the user, changing color to indicate good or bad energy usage. Obviously Red = High and Green = Low.

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Molded in two halves, the display shines though the thin area of the cellulose acetate casing. Fitted with LEDs, the diaply mode buttons indicate day, week, month and year.
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This kinda doodad should find its place in every household to motivate people to cut down on their carbon footprints as well as electricity bills! Sincerely hope that David’s concept sees daylight before its too late.
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