Biodiesel Fuel Cells: Experimenting with the alternatives!

biofuel hydrogen cell
How would you like to have a car that runs on Hydrogen and produces nothing but water vapor for exhaust? I know that we already are heading in that direction and that it is called Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology. But the technology is still in its infancy and the major obstacle that this faces is that it needs Hydrogen as raw material. The planet is not bestowed with free Hydrogen in plenty and even if it was, holding it and transporting it safely is still a major headache. I still believe that electrolysis of water is our best chance, but that technology has a long way to go.

After years of development, the Washington-based company InnovaTek is testing a hand-sized microreactor that can convert virtually any liquid fuel into hydrogen, producing a portable hydrogen stream for use in adjoining fuel-cells. Since the microreactor units can be linked together, InnovaTek has developed systems capable of producing anywhere from 1 to 160 gallons of hydrogen per minute—enough to supply a hydrogen refueling station or, even more exciting, creating on-board hydrogen for fuel-cell powered vehicles.

This amazing new technology ensures the fact that we do not need Hydrogen filling stations at a very short range and also offers vehicles a safe way to power their Hydrogen Fuel Cell. Each microtube on the device helps convert (or reform) a continuous stream of hydrogen from fuels like gasoline, diesel, vegetable oil, biodiesel, propane, natural gas, even the glycerol byproduct from biodiesel manufacturing. This technology is already being explored and partnered by Chevron. GM, Ford, Honda, Hyundai and Toyota all have prototypes in the works and Mercedes already released their subcompact F cell in late 2007.

This means that the dream Hydrogen Fuel Cell car could now be still fueled by biodiesel. I still do not think that this is the long term solution to the problem, but it might solve some of the temporary problems and act as an intermediate step till we can achieve what we are really looking for.

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