Best Public Building 2007– Dalby Forest Visitor Center

dalby forest visitor center

Britain’s Dalby Forest Visitor centre has been adjudged as the “Best Public Building 2007”. This environment friendly building can be completely recycled. The building has been developed at a cost of around £2.5 million.

A few key highlights of this environment friendly building are renewable materials, such as wood, solar panels and wind turbines. Rain water is being used for flushing toilet. Recycled tires and tubes are used for roof cover.

Renewable bio mass is used to fulfill the energy requirements of building, such as heating. According to the Forestry Commission, John Bates, “That’s still quite unusual in the United Kingdom – on the continent they’ve got a lot more wood chip boiler installations but it’s becoming more and more common with the increase in the price of gas and electricity. As an alternative this is a good option.”

This building is ahead from other eco-projects, such as the King’s Cross St. Pancras underground station in London, the National Cold War Exhibition at the RAF Museum in Shropshire, the Bridge Arts Centre in Glasgow or the Promenade of Light in London.

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According to the chairs of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, John Sarell, “Dalby Forest visitor centre is everything that we should expect from a new public building. It inspires those using and visiting it. It adds to the enjoyment of the places and spaces around us. It brings new business opportunities and it shows how great design lies at the heart of our response to climate change.”

According to the cultural secretary, such buildings will set great environmental standard for future. Now, Dalby Forest is one of the most popular attractions, as it has approximately 300, 000 visitors annually.

With the launching of Better Public Building, more and more eco-friendly schools, hospitals, museums and libraries have been constructed. Year 2006 also marked publishing of Common Minimum Standards by Government. They are practical, achievable and comprehensive.

Additionally, the UK’s Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), has also declared 10 principles to attain best in public building project. Better Public Building effectively provides sufficient proof in favor of good designing.


Via : biopact

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