Beautiful LED lights up Sudell Cross

the braid

What do you do to improvise an important area in a city bustling with activity and some great Victorian architecture? Well, you light the place with a breath taking modern day sculpture which not only makes a magnificent view but also attracts a lot of people to once not so popular area. This is exactly what has happened to Sudell Cross in Blackburn, UK where a £1.1 million marvel of light and architecture standing 10 m tall, attracts tourists much to the delight of the local shop and restaurant owners.

‘The Braid’, designed by artist Simon Watkinson, is a RHOS complied steel and fabricated metal column with color changing LED fittings in the 3M Martin Architectural lights (they control transporting and are responsible for even distribution of lights). The impact that these lights make is awesome and to watch it in a backdrop of city landscape and sky makes it stand apart.

Via: Martin Architectural

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