Solar power reduces generator fuel consumption by 90% for Marine Corps

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The US Marine Corps is a unit trained to deal with adversity and to use the limited resources at their disposal to the maximum effect. They can live on little, fight the hard battles and win battles that most others dare not step into. They can not only stretch food and water supplies, but now are trying to do the same with energy resources as well.

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Technology at the disposal of the army is always a couple paces ahead of the planet and for good reason too. It is only fitting then that they are now incorporating green energy in the form of tidal, wave and solar power. The US Marine Marines and sailors of the 3rd Battalion, 5th Regiment has recently reported that they have cut back generator fuel consumption by 90% thanks to Solar Portable Alternative Communications Energy System (SPACES).

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Shifting from fossil fuel to sun-driven technology is not just good for the planet, but even the guys themselves as this allows them to carry extra ammunition, food supply and other amenities and cut back on the bulky fuel transportation. Keeping the cargo low in weight and size also means less visibility to the enemies and solar-powered generator ensures that the sound is kept to a minimum at night.

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All these advantages have meant that those on the field have embraced the technology without any difficulty. Of course, there are a few negatives in the form of long charging time, which is not possible when on the move constantly and the dusty desert that reduces the panel’s efficiency. That said, with technology like 3D Solar Cells not too far away, the incorporation of green energy into institutions such as the army should only get easier in time.

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Via: Inhabitat

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