Eco-friendly Bamboo Microscope for just $4


India has given has contributed extensively to science in the past, and now its proving again why its contributions to science are nothing short of extraorinary. A delhi based non profit organisation called Jodo Gyan literally translated as ‘linking knowledge’ has been actively involved in creating microscopes made from bamboo.

These microscopes cost only 150 rupees (around $4) they are fitted with a X20 lens. This is a light, compact and ecofriendly microscope. And has been proving to a boon for schools in remote areas and those on low funds. It has also allowed students to get firsthand access to an otherwise unaffordable scientific tool.

“Indian children are not getting to experience all the joy and wonder of science because there is too much emphasis on the memorization and repetition of concepts. Hundreds of thousands of children are learning without understanding anything.”

says Usha Menon, a government researcher who founded Jodo Gyan in 1999. Some of the other tools by jodo gyan include, mathematical card and board games and sticky geometric shapes in a variety of colors.

Source – BoingBoing

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