Baby Carrier Made from Organic Cotton

organi cotton baby carrierChristmas is just around the corner, and hence you must be busy with your shopping list. But, what about mothers of the little ones? But, don’t worry. Breast-feed your baby while shopping, working or walking. Enjoy the casual handling of day’s hectic works simultaneously while keeping your baby close to your heart – literally. Thanks to Ecowise, who innovated with your baby carrier – innovation, and that too eco-friendly.

With this beautiful carrier, you can carry your baby on your front, side or back. Though not “adjustable”, our carrier comes in sizes for a large range of parents, and am sure will disappoint none. The carrier is so designed that it provides broad weight distribution from your shoulder to your hips. It also aligns baby’s center of gravity as close to your body as possible. There will be no buckles, no belts, no clips or rings to pinch or rub you. Isn’t it cool!

Via: Ecowise

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