Autoclave skillfully sorts and recycles garbage in to green stuff

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While dumping every possible grime and trash in that bin, I have never given a deep thought to how and who is going to take care of it after it leaves my premises on the garbage trucks. Sorry for my ignorance about recycling garbage but it gets even better with the Autoclave system. The brain behind it, AeroThermal, believe that it is profitable too as at some point in the future, householders could even sell their rubbish and make some money. This automated system divides the waste for recycling on a large scale and produces enough energy to power itself. Shouldn’t it get double clap? It is believed to clean all the steel and aluminium as the plastic is reduced to recyclable pellets. If you trust this Autoclave then even the glass can be reused. About 30 tonnes of municipal waste can be digested just within two hours.

Food and organic refuse is turned into a biogas that can be converted into green electricity. Even the steam that is used in the process is recaptured afterwards and re-used. So no emissions at all!

Future seems to be bright and green!

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