Australian highways go solar

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The best thing about us humans is that we never give up and are constantly on the move to find new useful methods to utilize renewable energy. “Going Solar,” an Australian enterprise with a $6 million turnover, has hatched an innovative idea, one that’s not been tried before. They have installed solar panels in the highways but unlike the regular ones, these function as sound blockades!

Originally installed at Tullamarine Calder Interchange in Australia, this innovative solar energy sound barrier roughly produces around 18.7 megawatts electricity per year and is constructed from 500 meters of vertically disposed photovoltaic panels. The installation near the highway makes the energy travel swiftly to its destination, delivering rapid power to homes in the nearby areas. This whole project is beneficial as it’s affordable and sustainable along with the added benefit of noise reduction. Regular panels need a lot of space, hence this project was executed by keeping space restrictions in mind, which ultimately resulted in the achievement of an ATRAA award for the best grid-connected system.
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Via: Inhabitat

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