Art meets Solar Energy

Artists from across the world are experimenting with new genres to give a vent to their creative abilities. One such genre is of the transmission art.

Transmission Art

A relatively new medium, it looks for explorations around radio transmissions, surrounding us, in the form of mobile transmissions, FM signals; putting them all together for creative expression.

The wireless spectrum is specially used in radio art, video art, light sculpture, installation, and performance.
Airwaves become the paints of the artists and signals from the airwaves are used to create new content.

sonic sculpture

Sonic sculptures, where structural pieces are used in such a manner that they emit sounds. This is another form within the transmission art that’s soon catching up with the creative minds.

Transmission Art and Solar Energy
A work of art is being developed in Greene County hamlet of Acra, near New York, where sonic sculptures use solar energy to record environmental sounds. The sonic sculpture in this case is an earthspeaker.

earth speaker

Earthspeaker is an artistic impression in which sculptures use solar energy to emit sounds at night. The sculpture in this case is large, solar powered electro-acoustic speaker. Just as the vegetal system, the sculptures absorb solar energy during the day to record environmental sounds and then plays them back as sounds when the sun starts to set.

The Earthspeaker was built at the Eyebeam Centre labs and is currently being developed at Wave Farm, NY.


Who made it?
The sculpture is made by Jeff Feddersen, an artist, musician and an engineer. A professor of Sustainable energy at New York University, he has varied interest in musical instruments as well. He has invented (developed) new means of musical expression, such as real-time composition software, robotic sonic sculptures and two amplified acoustic instruments – the Silverfish and the Double Harmonics Guitar.

The Future
Although not many are aware of such experiments happening, the future of transmission art seems bright. Non profit organizations like Free103point9 have come forward to cultivate this art and take it around the world.

Via: Neural

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