An eco-friendly way to put out your smoke!

boodi eco ash tray

The entire world is moving ahead towards eco-friendly gadgets, so why should those who smoke be left far behind? Sure they are the ones who burn over 3000 chemicals rolled in to a stick to release poisonous gases that not only kill them slowly and steadily, but also affect those around them. But that does not mean they cannot add something to the environment beyond pollution and stinking smoke. They can give back to mother earth a lot more than clouds of misty smoke that are sure to kill your brain cells.

That is exactly the reason why those who love to smoke have come up with the world’s most eco-friendly ash try. What if you can’t stop releasing those tons of fumes, you can still get green with the ash that is left behind. The portable Boodi Eco Ashtray is made of recycled, recyclable, and bio-degradable materials. Tony Jones, the man behind the patent-pending invention is raving about his new clean and green ash tray. I do believe it is something of an achievement. I mean, if you cannot convince them to put the flames out, at least make it a tad bit cleaner.

Jones came up with the Boodi to give smokers an environmentally-conscious alternative to virtually indestructible plastic ashtrays, which often end up in landfills. Any plastic that is not used is really a boon for the environment. The Boodi snuffs out up to five cigarettes at once, via internal tubes. When the butt is inserted into the tube, it immediately runs out of oxygen–and goes out. So basically it uses oxygen to put out your poisonous flames. It is easy to use and completely recyclable. So it offers a cool and portable alternative to those stupid ash trays. Most importantly it is clean and green.


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