America’s first private hydrogen-powered house

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Taking the dream of free home energy, Mike Strizki, a 51-year-old civil engineer from East Amwell, New Jersey, created America’s first private hydrogen-powered house with his own efforts. With a garage topped with 56 solar panels that keep the house juiced up with 90 kilowatt-hours of electricity on brighter days, Strizki is able to generate enough solar power to meet the 10 kilowatt-hours his home needs including the power required to run his 50-inch plasma television, three household computers and all the kitchen appliances.

The surplus is fed into 100 backup batteries inside the garage for nights and rainy days. With this system in place Strizki makes sure he isn’t dependant on any electric supply from an outside source while an electrolyzer sorts water into H’s and O’s, allowing him to use the gathered hydrogen for running his car.

The conversion cost Strizki $100,000 of his own and he managed to raise an additional $400,000 in grants from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. With Sharp, Proton Energy Systems and Swagelok helping him acquire some of the technology; Strizki was able to complete his dream of owning a super-green hydrogen home!

Source: Dvice

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