All-electric Personal Submarine will set you back $2 million

hammacher schlemmers personal submarine powered by

Eco Factor: Zero-emission personal submarine powered by electric thrusters.

For all those who want to explore the depths of the ocean without polluting the delicate ecosystem Hammacher Schlemmer is selling a personal sub that aims to take you on a green undersea adventure. The submarine is propelled by two 3hp thrusters, which provide fore, aft and direction control and two 3hp vertical/translational thrusters control that enable precise positioning.

Powered by electricity, the 3000kg submarine comes fully loaded with a VHF Radio, barometer, thermometer, hydrometer, depth gauges, fluxgate and magnetic compasses, magnetic clinometers, pressure gauges and a GPS receiver. The $2 million submarine can descent to 1000ft with up to 6 hours of operation.

Via: GreenMuze/CubeMe

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