Air Jelly: Floating through the air with an electric motor!

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This probably is as good an example of clean, innovative and awesome technology that can be achieved if we put or mind to it. The Air Jelly could beat any of the Jelly fishes in oceans today in size, splendor and sheer audacity of the design. Of course, it is a lot easier for nature to create such fluid motion in living beings with the magical process of evolution over millions of years. We do not have such time and nor do we honestly have such skill. But the Air Jelly still is pretty good.

The Festo Air Jelly, modeled after the jelly fish, floats through the air as if the atmosphere was as buoyant as water. The fluid motions are powered by a very clean engine that further demonstrates the use of green fuel. Powered by a lithium-ion battery, an electric motor, a tad of helium gas, and what seems to be the brain of a jelly fish, the Air Jelly uses its seven tentacle-like arms to float through the air. There’s also an aquatic version, the Aqua Jelly, but it’s not nearly as gorgeous as the Air Jelly. Hit the jump for an amazing video of the creature in flight.

The Air jelly surely is the next step in modern robotics and it also helps us in understanding how well modern technology can be driven on green fuel. It will be very interesting to see where this technology takes us to from here on. While the Air Jelly might be awesome to watch in pictures and listen to, a live demo could really blow your mind.


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