Agropolis grocery store concept harvests produce on site

agropolis grocery store concept

Eco Factor: Green grocery store concept grows fruits and vegetables on site.

With the world heading towards a greener future, eating local is one practice that has received a big push. Taking this eating local culture to a completely new level altogether is a team from the interdisciplinary Singularity University on the NASA Ames campus. This team of business professionals envisioned a do-it-yourself grocery store concept that grows the fruits and veggies on site.

Christened the “Agropolis,” this innovative grocery store grows vegetables in an urban environment without soil using techniques of hydroponic, aeroponic and aquaponic farming. A sustainable answer to the challenge of figuring out a way to produce food locally without arable land, the Agropolis promotes producing and eating healthy food. Nutrients from fish in aquaculture tanks go to feed the plants, creating a sustainable aquaculture ecosystem.

People coming to shop will walk to see the produce growing on-site and select the veggies or fruits of their choice. The design of this unique grocery store was recently exhibited at the Nordic Exceptional Trendshop 2010 conference, an annual event that showcases technology taking place through September 3 in Arhus, Denmark.

Via: DiscoveryNews

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