Accuray Synchrony Respiratory Tracking System: Treats Cancer, Improve Tissues & Reduces Treatment Time

accuray synchrony respiratory tracking system

Just wear it and go on monitoring the motion of your body’s internal tumors and breathing rate. The Accuray Synchrony Respiratory Tracking System continuously correlates the motion of internal tumors with the breathing rate.

Designed by Lunar, you can know the exact location of a tumor regardless of a patient’s breathing allows Accuray’s CyberKnife Stereotactic Radio Surgery System to precisely and quickly irradiate it while the patient breathes naturally.

And this result not only in healthier surrounding tissues, but also in treatment times reduced from months to weeks. And in some cases it allows treatment of cancers previously thought inoperable due to delicate nearby structures. Thanks to these technological improvements and advances, as these greatly expand the horizons of cancer treatment.

Via: Yanko Design

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