A whooping idea of a system of biodegradable nestling planters

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The concept is very simple. Every time the plant grows larger than the planter, simply place it in a bigger soil filled flower pot and so on, until the final planter is placed in the ground. This is very healthy for the plant as there’s less stress on the roots, and also less messy for you.
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A little different from the compact peat moss planters because they appear to be a little more grooved and has more of a visual appeal. Also available are biodegradable pots which are a long lasting alternative to plastic. However, they do not biodegrade around the plant but biodegrade around the landfill when thrown away. An organic fertilizer can also be added to the mix that forms the pot so that it biodegrades and fertilizes the plant. Talk about something very do-able.

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Via: greenupgrader

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