A truly green house with living walls!

a truly green house with living walls

Talk about living a green life! This is one house that truly epitomizes and defines the word ‘green lifestyle’. Here is a house that looks similar to something out of the movie ‘Jumanji’ where wild creepers cover the house. Well, actually this looks a lot better and of course is a lot safer than the house in which creepers with gaping mouths try to swallow a petrified Robin Williams. This is a wonderful, tranquil house that spreads joy and delight with its sheer design.

The house in most regards is just like your normal lavish new home except for the fact that it is draped in a fabric of green and that too quite literally. The walls of this awesome house are covered with herbaceous perennials that adorn it all through your stay. The concept was conceived and brought to life by Korean architects Mass Studies and it looks really wonderful. The concept is very simple yet amazingly wonderful. The entire face of the building and even its interior are beautifully covered by greenery.

The most interesting fact about this is that it does not make the building or the interiors look bad at all. In fact they look stunningly good and the green layer adds both visual splendor and a wonderful freshness to the structure. The pictures look gorgeous and if one adds the cool and fresh air that this building would provide to it, then this surely is an innovation worth looking at. I come across some pretty interesting and sometimes some cutting edge technology each day, but this is already my personal favorite.

I personally place this little improvisation in architecture very high on my list of ‘wonderful stuff that I would like to incorporate in my own life’. I always believed that an innovation not only must be profitable or wonderful but most importantly it must be practical and appealing. This building design has really delighted me in regards to both the aesthetics and the value it offers. I would recommend anyone going to buy a new home try this themselves; of course with the help of a right designer.

Via: Architechnophilia

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