A solar diary designed to be every traveler’s delight!

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There is something amazing about a diary for me. Every year I pick out one special one and tell myself that this New Year, I will write it regularly and will do that without a fail. I have been trying this since the last 7 years and it has never ever gone beyond a couple of months. Yet each year I go out and buy a new one and each year it just stays on my desk almost full of empty pages. This is April and I have managed just a few pages till now. Yet I’m positively sure I will buy one for 2009!

This though is about no ordinary diary that you fill up at the end of the day. Backpacker’s diary is a PC concept that integrates with the form of traditional book; the target user being the enthusiastic traveling fans. I have always loved going around and this really is a nice twist to the diary. This is a PC that looks very traditional and is like the good old diary. I do believe that such a design is both unique and very important too as it is something appealing for someone like me.
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In this “book”, different pages include different functions, like media recording, solar recharging and EL illuminant. The approach of reading a book takes the traditional way of operating computer, which encourage those backpackers to experience and share more about their trips. The PC diary is wonderful in the fact that it charges on the basis of solar energy and it also saves you the silly task of plugging it in for charge. If you wish to make it for travelers, then it is apt to make it solar charged. The concept is wonderful and it makes it look really worth having.


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