20mph speed limit would be a reality soon on London roads

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Over speeding, rash driving and road rage contribute to the majority of road accidents that occur round the globe. Keeping this in mind the London Assembly Green Party, backed by road safety experts has come up with a demand for 20mph speed limit to insure road safety. It is expected that the speed limit will be introduced in the next three years.

Central London and residential areas are going to be affected by the Party’s demand as at present they both have a speed limit of 30mph. According to the Green Party the default limit on all London roads will be 20mph however specific bus services and trunk roads may be spared. Speed cameras will also be installed to ensure that people follow this new traffic norm.

Ms Jones said:

Making 20mph the normal speed limit would save lives and money and give a major boost to cyclists, who would feel safer.

Jenny Jones the Mayor’s of Green road safety adviser has already discussed the proposal’s blueprint with Ken Livingstone, who also favours more zones of 20mph speed.

Roger Geffen of cyclists’ organisation CTC said:

20mph makes sense not just for road safety; it also means cleaner air, less congestion and more people taking up cycling and walking. It would cut costs and bureaucracy enormously.

A study was conducted in 20mph zones of London and it was found that they had halved the number of people killed or seriously injured than the zones with higher speed limit.

Source: Thisislondon

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