February 2006

Water Check Test Kit to Test Water Contaminants

With increasing pollution throughout the world, drinking water is a matter of concern everywhere. So, before drinking we should know what possible contaminants can be found in it. But, after knowing whata€? If not all, at least can take some…

Radiohead Fames to Play Climate Gig

Good news for the pop music lovers. Thom Yorke and Johnny Greenwood, the Radiohead fames are going to play this year’s Big Ask gig. The Friends of the Earth organized this concert campaign. Here is another opportuniny for people to pick the climate…

Sow the Seeds of Love With ‘Love-In-A-Bag’

Giving a gift to a friend is no tough a job with the market flooding with varied products. But, a gift that would burgeon your love and remind of you every moment! And especially if it is meant for the love of your life…? Am sure you would. Here is such

Stun Gun from Disposable Camera

Do you have a disposable Kodak camera dumped in your cupboard, and neither can you throw it, because it aches your heart? Instead of heading it for the landfill, why don’t you transform into something valuable! Yeah, transform, or recycle. You must be..

Mini-Sling from Recycled Cans

Aren’t the mini slings attractive? It’s not just attractive and is special in its own ways too. True, it’s refreshingly fun. It is handmade from recycled cans. A family in Vietnam muted this environment-friendly innovation. Cans, headed for the…

Orikaso’s Foldable Recycled Polypropylene Tableware

Wow! They are not only useful and eco-friendly, but cheap too. Orikaso, a design firm in the U.K is the mastermind behind this. These can be the best utensils for backpacking or travel. It has released these foldable polypropylene cups, bowls and…

Funky Basket From Recycled Soda And Beer Bottle Tops

You would love to possess this multi-colored basket. These funky baskets are crafted by artisans around Harare. This beautiful product is made of from recycled soda and beer bottle tops, and the aesthetic elements lie in the fact that it’s all…

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