11 Ways you can help your Earth stay healthy

Today is Earth Day, and various people in groups and individually, across the world are celebrating it in their own special ways. But, the earth can not be saved pampering it for just day. But, you can take resolutions, no matter how small it is, and carry them out the rest of the year.
Here is a list of 10 little ways you can contribute to your earth.

help save our earth

Change light bulbs
Replace your old lights now with the highly efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) that not only last for years, but also use a quarter of the energy of regular bulbs. And to add to, they actually produce more light.

Drive differently, or drive a different vehicle
Improve the fuel efficiency of your car as it impacts the climate change in an enormous way. Either buy a fuel-efficient car, and if that is not possible right away, then you can go for options to improve the climate around you — drive less, tune up your car, or drive slow without racing your car’s engine much.

Tune up your house’s heating system an dif possible change it when old
If this one thing is done every couple of years, you can reduce your heating costs by 10 percent a year.

Maintain the vents regularly
Only cleaning the vents won’t do. Keep the unused vents closed, and change its filters as frequently as possible. These simple steps aging can save you with 10 percent of energy.

Tame your energy-inefficient refrigerator
Your refrigerator is a big electricity consumer, and use about 10-15 percent of your each month’s electricity.

Keep a watch of high electricity consuming home gadgets
Be it your hot water heater, washer and dryer, or your dishwasher – you can steal some of energy from all of these by proper regulations.

Plan before planting more trees
Plant your garden not just to make it soak up carbon fromom the surrounding, but if planned in a better way, it can break wind to save energy and provide shade to lower cooling costs.

Invest in green energy
Think of your future generation, and the world you will leave them to. So, install and explore resources of nature by using solar panels, geothermal and wind power systems.

Go organic
Stay away from strong and toxic chemicals, by including it in your everyday lifestyle like clothing, food, drinks, etc.

Buy recycled products
The various end products and unused material are generally headed for the landfill. So, save the earth from these toxic bumps by buying products made from recycled materials, the future of which would otherwise be the landfills.

Be a minimalist
Use simple, and buy less of energy consuming gadgets. It is because, the less you buy, the more you save energy! Is not the equation simple?

Wish you all Happy Earth Day 2006!

Via: Live Science

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